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Physical Laws and Spiritual Laws January 19, 2009

Posted by winningedge in Self Improvement and Mastery.
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There’s a force all around us, it doesn’t matter if you believe in it or not, it’s there, and the reason I say that is because whether you believe in a divine creation guided by intelligence, or if you hold fast to the theory that all things just sort of happened there is one thing that is for certain, life as we know it had to start somewhere, and there was some matter somewhere that existed prior to the creation of life, and if that matter existed at that time, it would stand to reason that the matter would exist now. So there is a formless substance all around us, because everything physical that we see, came from some physical root. Wallace Wattles calls this the “thinking stuff” I like to call it Creative Matter. And it is the stuff from which all you desire comes from, it is the power of God throughout the world, it is by and through this that all things have been, are, and will be made. I’m going to speak for a minute to the believers of a divine intelligence.

Many religions believe that God is a God of laws, some people have interpreted those laws differently than others, but essentially most people who believe in the divine, believe that he has laws, now I am not talking about the laws that have been handed to us through a particular religion, even though my own religion believe in laws pertaining to righteousness, I am speaking of the spiritual laws that govern the universe, the laws that make sure you fingers stay attached to your hand, the laws that make sure your heart keeps beating, the laws that stop the heart beat of that very same heart when it is time to stop. Some of these laws have been discovered, and science has taken them as their own, when people talk of Physics, I just see God’s perfect laws functioning exactly as they should.

The laws that many obey in their chosen faith are what I like to call the lesser laws, these are laws that revolve around a specific physical action, and the Ten Commandments for example are some very physical laws. These are things that you do with your body or the body of others, the higher laws I am speaking about is the laws that you adhere to with your soul. They are what I call spiritual laws, and they are simple to define and difficult to master, but once you master the spiritual laws, the physical, or lesser laws cease to be relevant, because your spirit has gained mastery over your body, all the physical “temptations” that may have surrounded you are gone, not because they have ceased to exist, but because you are living in and coming from a higher place. Christ was tempted in “all things” yet he had spiritual mastery, and nothing could divert him from his higher purpose, in the bible we read the account of 3 temptations in which the devil is said to have appeared and tempted Christ in 3 things, and in all 3 christ won.
If we master the spiritual laws, we become captains of our souls, but to reach this level of higher awareness sometimes we have to start with the physical to clear out all the static and get tuned into our higher purpose.

There are other things we can do that move us into a higher spiritual plane, or a higher vibration if you will, and again none of these are rooted in any one religious belief, although at first glance they may look that way, the reason that it may seem “religious” to some is because many people confuse religion with spirituality, now you can be faithful to a particular religious belief (as I am) and still be spiritual, in the terms that I am using, spiritual means recognizing that you are not your body, you are the spirit that inhabits the body. For example if you look at what your physical body is made of, if you take it apart and put it all in piles, there is really nothing to differentiate you from say, a cow, or a chimpanzee. So what is it that makes you able to function in a place of higher intelligence, what is it that gives you the ability to speak, and to reason, and to act. We know it cannot be the brain that is different because we have found that the brain of many creatures in the animal kingdom is similar enough to ours, no, it isn’t the brain that puts our consciousness above that of the ape. It is our spirit, and when you can look at yourself and see that you are not your body, and you are not what you do, that you are not a “human being having a spiritual experience” but that you are indeed a “spiritual being having a human experience” just that slight change of words can make all the difference in your life.

Inner Peace and How to Deal With Anger January 14, 2009

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Inner peace seems to be the goal of any individual and why wouldn’t it be, and when I say “inner peace” I’m not talking about some sort of crazy “live one the top of a mountain and exist on nothing but sunshine and rainbows” sort of thing. I’m simply talking about freeing yourself from that gnawing feeling that most of us carry around in the pit of our stomachs, that intense feeling of “something is wrong, but I don’t know what it is” that we all experience on a daily basis. Most of us will blame it on something external from ourselves; we blame this feeling on a general lack of money, or the inability to spend our time doing what we sincerely want to do. We may even resign ourselves to the fact that we will always have that feeling, and that is part of life and that we should just “suck it up” and go along with the status quo.
I have an interesting point to make on this particular topic, and that point is that any anxious feelings that you have right now are not coming from anything outside of you. Now what do I mean by this? Simply put you choose each second of each day how you will feel, you choose each time you are presented with a situation how you will respond to that situation. Here is the boldest message I have for you when you are sad, angry, hurt, nervous, or any one of a myriad of negative emotions it is because you have chosen that emotion as a response to a particular stimulus. Whenever I share this statement with people it always elicits the same response, “but how can I be happy when (insert negative situation) is happening in my life?” and I always say the same thing, “I never said you had to be happy about it, I just said you didn’t have to be sad/angry/hurt about it.”
I have had people get very angry with me for sharing my thoughts with them on this, especially those who are currently passing through some sort of crisis in life, and there are reasons for that, there’s a popular thought in society today that anger is a healthy thing, that if you don’t let your anger out you will one day explode. But it is in fact much different than that, anger is not a healthy thing, and letting your raw emotion fly as anger is not helpful nor will it ever be so, modern day psychology will disagree with me but the ancient teachings that have been around and proven to work over hundreds and even thousands of years tell us that anger is not good, for example Confucius taught, “when anger rises, think of the consequences” and in Paul’s Epistle to the Colossians we read, “But ye also put off these, anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy…” (Col 3:8). Now I’m not saying that it’s good to hold the anger inside, I am saying that the existence of anger in you is unnecessary that it is an energy that you willingly take on when you encounter a certain experience, you have the ability to always choose your response, the only reason it feels like you have no control is because you have chosen anger as a response so frequently that it is now a habit, but it is still your choice. The same goes for sadness, nervousness, frustration and any other responses that you currently feel are out of your control.
The good news is you can change that choice, and make a better one; it’s simple, but not always easy. The first thing you have to do is form the habit of asking yourself the following question before you respond to a situation that can potentially make you respond in a negative way. That question is, “Will responding in this way bring more peace to my life?” This step alone may change the way you do everything, because essentially you are doing as Confucius taught, you are thinking “of the consequences.”
The next thing you can do is channel that energy another way. I believe that there is no negative energy that exists that cannot be converted into positive energy. Some of our most beautiful works of music have come from the composer taking what could have been negative energy and channeling that energy into creation of something so sublime that centuries later it is revered as a masterpiece. The suggestion here is to do the same; even something as simple as writing a letter that you will never send can pull that energy in another direction, go running, lift weights, write a poem, write a song, do anything that uses energy in a positive way. The worst possible thing you can do is sit and fester on that negative emotion, as that can only breed more negativity. Go out and do something and you will see that you do not have to respond to a negative situation with a negative response.
And lastly when you feel that uncomfortable feeling rising in your stomach you can make it go away, by doing something. I’m not suggesting that you forget about your responsibilities, just that you approach them with a different response in mind, when things are hard, as they often are you can either make them harder by reacting in your preconditioned way, or you can make them easier by responding with action. There is nothing on this earth that you cannot achieve, nothing!

Happiness First, Then Success January 8, 2009

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There are millions of people out there with essentially the same thought process, and that thought is , “If I only had more money than I would be happy.” There is only one problem with this kind of thinking, and that is that thinking this way is complete and utter crap. All it shows is that these people don’t understand money, don’t get me wrong for me at least having more money makes it easier to not be stressed, but it does not bring the happiness, money just magnifies what is already inside you, so if you are looking to money to be the solution to all that ails you, well you will have a rude awakening in the future.

It’s easy to see where this common misconception started, you see a rich person, they have a sweet car, a big house and go to Hawaii every year, you think to yourself, “gosh, I’d like a nice car, an awesome house, and to go to Hawaii every year would be great! Those things would really make me happy.” So then you assume that this particular person in having what you perceive as wealth must be happy, when all too often that person is living paycheck to paycheck the way millions of people do, and they are just as desperate to create long term wealth as you are.

Also you can look around you at people who are rich and unhappy as proof that it’s not the money that brings happiness, money is not the magic bullet, but that said it is a necessity once you’ve taken care of your inside game. Because ultimately money is the medium through which you will be able to achieve the success you so longingly hope for, it’s hard to affect the positive changes that people want to without the aid of a good size bank account, so just remember that the money is to help you fulfill your major purpose in life, and nobody’s purpose is to sit around and live like a hog.

But back to the question of how to change what is inside you so that money can come to you, and when it does it will magnify the wonder and happiness that is already inside you, as opposed to the fear that most people carry around in their chest cavity like it’s some sort of fear storage, let me tell you that as you move forward you may feel an emptiness in that area, because the fear will be gone, and you may not know how to immediately fill that space with happiness, just know that having nothing there is much better than having a bunch of crap there making you crazy.

There is a science to happiness, you see most people look around themselves, see what is happening and then decide to be happy or sad based on what they see. If they see war, and poverty and death they will likely choose sadness, if they see joy and happiness around them then the obvious choice is happiness. The only problem with this is that it is backwards! You can’t look around you and then determine whether or not you will be happy, all you do when you do that is hand your free will to someone else, just like deciding to be rich before you become rich you must decide to be happy before you can really become so.

Happiness comes from the inside, 5 ways to be happy right now! December 31, 2008

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What does it take to be happy?

This is question that many many people find themselves asking, and as we ramble through this journey called life we may need a little help to keep that smile on our face and that spring in our step. More than once I have asked myself what it takes to be happy and in all my searching I have found a few distinct truths that come alive and as simple as they may seem offer an opportunity to be happy with yourself all the time, even when the chips are down.

Here are 5 simple ways to get happy right now, and to stay that way, these aren’t pump you up sorts of techniques, but they are real things you can do to change how you feel and make you feel much happier;

1-Do something nice for someone else
This is one of the fastest most effective ways to get happy fast, go out and do something kind for someone else, it can be as simple as giving a compliment or taking someone to lunch, or even stopping your car and helping that person on the side of the road. Service to others helps us remember that there are people everywhere have a need for something that you have got, and feeling needed is important to so many people.

2- Change your posture
This may seem a little ridiculous at first, but this has been one of the best ways for me to go from stress to happiness quickly, sit up straight, take a deep breath in and put a big old goofy smile on your face, you can literally feel the tension that is in your chest melt away, and it is replaced with a sense of well being and dare I say confidence that you can get through anything.

3- Read a good book, or even a few pages of something positive
If you are a religious person, turn to whatever religious text helps you to see things in a good way, two of my favorite passages come from The Bible, one is found in Proverbs 16:20 and reads “…whoso trusteth in the LORD, happy is he.” And the other is found in Psalms 46:10 and says “Be still and know that I am God” These 2 short sayings help me know that I have a greater purpose, and that I am meant to be happy, not miserable. If you are not a believer in any religious texts I would suggest finding something that brings you peace of mind.

4- Tell someone that you love them
Now this may fall into the service category, but I think it merits its own section, think of someone you love, someone that you haven’t told in a while that you love them. Give them a call, write them a letter, or go visit them and say the words “I Love You.” The key point is to say those exact words, don’t try and say anything else, just simply “I Love You.” It’s a little uncomfortable for a lot of people at first, but it will warm your heart immediately and help you feel happy.

5- Remember that happiness is first
This may seem the strange part, but often people will put qualifiers in front of what will make them feel happy, people will say things like, “when I get that promotion, I’ll be happy” or “when I find my soul mate, Then I’ll be happy” but that is not how it works at all. Happiness starts inside of you and then radiates out to the things that you do, a bold statement I often make to people is, “there is nothing in the world outside of you that can make you happy or sad.” All that I mean by that is that you choose each moment of each day how you will respond to your life, and certainly you have the ability to choose happiness of all the negative emotions you often find yourself burdened down with. You have the ability to choose happiness and peace instead of anguish, it’s a very simple concept that can seem very difficult, but give it a try, just try to choose happiness.

We are not powerless, we have the ability to master all of our emotions and that includes choosing happiness, you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain, why not give happiness a try?

Lemons and lemonade December 12, 2008

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Some thoughts that occured to me while working on a chapter outline.

Lemons and Lemonade

There are a great number of people out there who seem to just walk around feeling badly about everything around them, yet offering nothing to help solve the problem, most of us recognize these folks as complainers, and when faced with a complainer we do the obvious thing, we humor them, pat them on the back, give them a shoulder to cry on, and breathe a huge sigh of relief when they are done sucking our energy! We may even complain to others about how much we are bothered by the complaining, which is in of itself its own contradiction, but we should talk about that another time.

The bottom line is that bad stuff happens to people every day, the sun rises and bad stuff happens, the sun sets, and bad stuff happens. It’s better if we just accept that it is going to happen, we can’t stop it, but we can do something about it. Many people ask why suffering has to exist, and I have a somewhat simple answer, suffering exists to raise the collective awareness of our society. Human suffering is one of the greatest motivators out there, without it we would not have any quality of life, dare I say that the invention of the wheel as a tool was done because somebody was sick of dragging their food home, and sick of seeing everyone around them suffering in that way, so they found a new way. Hunger, poverty, abuse, murder, the list goes on and on, but these things exist so that we as society can make steps to rise above them, and we cannot rise above them by stomping on them, we must rise above them by raising the collective awareness of society.

The point I am getting to is that most people choose not to do so, there’s a saying that “when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade” yet most often when life hands us lemons we take them and we hang on to them, making sure that along the way we do not drop a single lemon, so instead of raising our awareness and rising above the troubles that we have in our lives, and doing something useful with those lemons we become “lemon collectors” we take every hard time and bad experience and hang on to it as though our lives depended on it, so we go through life, not drinking lemonade, but collecting lemons, and subconsciously that just brings more and more lemons into our lives, and one of the biggest reasons this happens is that not only do we become lemon collectors, we get together at parties and compare our lemons, and it seems that the person with the oldest most rotten the lemon wins! So you see people comparing their life lemons and getting some sense of sick pride when they are able to pull out of their pocket some 30 year old lemon that they have been carrying all their life, and seeing the crowds vanquished by their rotten lemon. My thought is that if you are running around, trying to “out-lemon” everyone, you are just going to run into more and more lemons.

Some people who are even on their way to winning get sucked into the game. Because if they haven’t collected enough lemons they don’t feel like they belong, so they go out and grab some lemons, and sometimes even borrow other people lemons just to fit in. This robs the world of a great many noble souls who could have done greater things if we as society did not suck them into being “lemon collectors”.

The answer is a simple one, let go of your lemons. Just let them go, if there are recent lemons well then by all means make yourself a nice tall glass of lemonade and drink it to celebrate letting all those old rotten lemons go. You may say I don’t understand, you may even say, “how can I let these lemons go after what happened to me?” My question to you is this, is your life really better as a result of carrying around that pain/hatred/anger/sadness? What have those lemons ever done to serve you? Is it easier to carry around a pile of moldy lemons, or to just carry around a glass of lemonade?

Just a few thoughts as you go through life, next time you are at a gathering and somebody talks about how awful something is, maybe, instead of just nodding your head gravely and agreeing, maybe you could try and steer the conversation towards the possibility of what we as society can do to help in whatever way, if someone complains about the homeless, you could suggest getting together and doing a blanket collection, or a fundraiser for a local shelter, see what happens as the conversation goes from one of helplessness to one of hope and the ability to maybe make a small impact, I guarantee that you will have a much better time at the gathering if you try and help raise the consciousness of those around you, just by suggesting that the small group could make some difference.

Take care,


“The first and great commandment is: Don’t let them scare you.”
-Elmer Davis

Well Hello December 8, 2008

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I am currently in the process of writing a book, and figured I would put it out here for folks to see, feel free to comment as I put individual chapter summaries up and also when completed the full chapters, don’t be shy and let me know what you think.

The purpose of the book is to help everyone to understand that happiness is an inside job, and that success is different than many the self help guru’s would have you believe, success is not tied directly to your income, but it is tied to how you respond to the world around you.

So take care and I will update this as I go along.

Much Love,
